Sunday, December 13, 2009

How To Choose A Cast Iron Fireplace Wood Stove

Many older houses have one or more empty fireplaces that either sit idle or allow heat to escape up the chimney, wasting money and energy. This is the perfect place to install a cast iron fireplace wood stove.
There is nothing quite like the atmosphere created by a fireplace. The trouble is that they are so inefficient! Now you can have the best of both worlds by getting a new or used insert. Not only are there some excellent stoves available, but now there are pellet stoves as well. A pellet stove insert is another option to consider.
The great thing about cast iron is it's ability to radiate warmth in an even, comfortable manner. Unlike a typical heavy gage steel stove, cast iron takes a while to heat up, but it produces a much more comfortable heat.
Another advantage of cast iron is that it is so durable. You can use it for many years, even generations, and it will not warp or bow under the intense heat of a good fire.
Most high quality stoves and inserts are also beautiful and add a lot of charm to any home. The pleasant atmosphere created by the fire is always a great gathering feature for the family. A wood burning cook stove also adds a lot of charm to any home.
One of the main considerations is the size of the room or house you intend to heat. It your stove is oversized, you will be very uncomfortable because it will be overheated. On the other hand, if it is undersized, you will grow weary of constantly adding wood to stay warm.
Most stove manufacturers have recommended square footage that the stoves will heat. This depends on many factors, such as your windows, insulation and floor plan.
Price is also a big factor. You can get some great deals in the off-season and by buying a used wood stove. Just make sure the used stove is in good condition and will not give you problems. I have a used Jotul Black Bear that is just as good as new, at less than half the price.
Randy Hough has a website: that talks about using a fireplace wood stove insert.